"Plain fresh bread, its crust shatteringly crisp. Sweet cold butter. There is magic in the way they come together in your mouth to make a single perfect bite."--Ruth Reichl

Create a School Cookbook Fundraiser

Create a school cookbookAre you looking for a fun and profitable project for your next school fundraiser? Are you looking for a project that is easy to run, gets everyone involved and raises valuable cash? Then we have a fun and easy fundraising idea for you!

For years, PTO/PTAs, private schools, public schools, school clubs and colleges and universities, organizations have used school cookbooks as a way to bring a community together and raise funds for important projects. They share their community’s family food traditions and at the same time create a lasting reminder of their membership in the community and raise funds for worthy causes.

With educational funding at an all-time low and heading lower, coming up with new and inventive fundraising projects is critical so that parents don’t get burned-out.

Using the power of the Internet, we make it easy to make your cookbook fundraiser a success! We show you how step by step.

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Why a School Cookbook Fundraiser?


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Why Use Cookbook Fundraiser


Create a school cookbookHere are just some of the school we have helped make a school cookbook:
The West Shore Middle School Cookbook Project
Iowa Family & Consumer Sciences Educators for Progress
Berkwood Hedge School Cookbook
Fairlands Elementary Pass the Plate Cookbook
Look What's Cooking at Brown Mackie College Cincinnati
Weed High School Community Cookbook
Dakota Wesleyan University 125th Anniversary Cookbook
The Chain Elementary School Cookbook Project
Multisensory Learning Academy Cookbook
Olympic College's Sophia Bremer Child Development Center Children's Cookbook 
The Horace Mann Lab School Cookbook



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Testimonials About Creating a School Cookbook Fundraiser

It’s easy to get started with your own school fundraising cookbook!  Get started and create your own free editor’s account today!


"We got the cookbooks from the school office today and they are wonderful!!! I was so excited to see what they turned out like. I must admit that the website was much easier to use than what I thought it would be. Thanks again for being so easy to work with. The parents were thrilled with the books this morning. Some parents actually came back and bought a second round lol!!!"
--Lisa Mills, Carlisle Playschool

"Thanks for your great software for the cookbook. We have a small group of internationals from over 31 different countries and it has been fun to provide them with a cook book that celebrates their cultures and our 45th anniversary year of the English as a Second Language ministry. Thank you for providing an easy way to provide a nice cookbook layout for them."
--Mike Pearce, English as a Second Language 45th Anniversary Cookbook

“Ken Burnett once said... “There are two ‘i’s’ in Fundraising – they should stand for inspiration and innovation, not imitation and irritation" and that's exactly what the family cook fundraiser did for raising money for my sons 8th grade class! It was so easy and everyone was more than happy to share their favorite family recipes! The students also loved seeing their names in school cookbook. Teachers and the administration were competing for the best recipe! Not only did we hit out goal amount, we had some friendly competition in doing so!! “
Heidi Chasney, West Shore Middle School fundraising chair